Ashland Library at a Distance

Our local Ashland Branch of the Pamunkey Regional Library is offering its services virtually and via curbside pick-up throughout the COVID-19 outbreak. Read this week’s guest blog from Ashland Branch Manager Michael Natale below.


While most people expect the library to be quiet, the Ashland branch has always had a steady hum of activity and conversations.  With the closures due to the Coronavirus, the book stacks may have gotten quieter, but the phones at the desk ring steadily.  The building is closed to the public, but the staff here are on-site to answer questions, find books, and help people figure out how to download or stream books, audio books, movies, music and magazines to their phones and tablets.

Online requests for physical books, DVDs and audiobooks have surged over the last few weeks—everyone needs a new story to curl up with.  You can browse through the catalog at home from our webpage ( ), or give us a call to find just the right book or video to brighten your day. You can still signup for a library card from our website or you can call and we’ll be happy to welcome you into the Pamunkey Regional Library family. 

Once a book has been placed on hold and has arrived, we’ll call you to arrange curbside pick-up and you can head home with your new find.  If something is marked as an eBook or a streaming movie, the phone rings at the branch again and we, the staff, take the time to walk the questioner through the digital checkout.

Some of the most enjoyable calls occur when a patron calls asking for a staff pick or a Cheer Pack for themselves or someone else.  To create a Cheer Pack the staff member takes a few author or topic suggestions and then combs the shelves looking for matches.  If the curated collection is for kids, a few coloring and activity pages get tucked between the covers as well.

These are just a few of the ways the Ashland Library are able to help their community right now.  Our Wi-Fi is open to the public, users can submit documents as well as 3D items to print, and we are just a phone call away. 

Do you have a question for us?  Contact the Ashland branch Mon-Fri at 10am-6pm and Saturdays at 10am-2pm by phone at (804) 798-4072 or online at

A list of Pamunkey Regional Library’s digital services against a backdrop of DVDs available to borrow.

A list of Pamunkey Regional Library’s digital services against a backdrop of DVDs available to borrow.

An example Cheer Pack available for all ages, see explanation above.

An example Cheer Pack available for all ages, see explanation above.
