Main Street Stands Against Racism

Downtown Ashland Association and our partners in the Main Street America network stand resolutely for peace, justice, accountability, and fair treatment of all people.

We are committed to taking action against systemic racism and discrimination in all its forms. All lives cannot matter unless Black lives matter. The humanity and dignity of every person must be honored and respected in our public spaces.

This organization's mission is to enhance and promote Downtown Ashland as the center of our community. That stewardship role requires us to engage with all our neighbors to create a downtown that serves everyone.

We believe in the partnerships and programs we host to encourage diversity and inclusion. But there is much more we must learn and much more we must do.

We are a volunteer organization, and we invite all our neighbors to help make Ashland's events, programs, and promotions fully inclusive.

You can learn more about our projects and programs on the About Us pages. Choose a project you’d like to help with and email me to get started. We look forward to working with you!

Maggie Beal Longest
Executive Director, Downtown Ashland Association
