Main Street Stands Against Racism

Downtown Ashland Association and our partners in the Main Street America network stand resolutely for peace, justice, accountability, and fair treatment of all people.

We are committed to taking action against systemic racism and discrimination in all its forms. All lives cannot matter unless Black lives matter. The humanity and dignity of every person must be honored and respected in our public spaces.

This organization's mission is to enhance and promote Downtown Ashland as the center of our community. That stewardship role requires us to engage with all our neighbors to create a downtown that serves everyone.

We believe in the partnerships and programs we host to encourage diversity and inclusion. But there is much more we must learn and much more we must do.

We are a volunteer organization, and we invite all our neighbors to help make Ashland's events, programs, and promotions fully inclusive.

You can learn more about our projects and programs on the About Us pages. Choose a project you’d like to help with and email me to get started. We look forward to working with you!

Maggie Beal Longest
Executive Director, Downtown Ashland Association

Online Marketing Workshop

This morning, Downtown Ashland Association hosted a virtual workshop for small business owners, with special guest Natalie McNamara, founder and chief strategist of CreativeMktGroup. The workshop focused on online marketing strategy and using the web to attract new customers.

Click the image below to watch the video. Notes of the presentation are available here, including resource links to get more in-depth info on each topic.


Today’s webinar was the second in the Coalition Series of webinars for local businesses hosted jointly by Hanover Chamber, Hanover County Economic Development Office, Town of Ashland, Dominion Energy Innovation Center, and Downtown Ashland Association. The next session will focus on “Pivoting from Crisis to Opportunity”. Register here.

Feed the Frontline

While most of us are safe at home, Ashland's first responders remain on the frontlines helping those in need. COVID-19 has made their jobs more difficult and more dangerous.

As a community, we can show our support for the brave men and women of Ashland Volunteer Rescue Squad, Ashland Volunteer Fire Company, and Ashland Police Department by providing meals and encouragement.

Additionally, we will send gift baskets to the nurses and staff of Ashland’s assisted living facilities, to encourage those providing care for vulnerable seniors at Hanover Manor and Alpha House.


Choose a date and make a donation to provide a meal or gift for frontline staff. Meals will be delivered by local restaurants maintaining the highest safety standards. Gifts are made by local shopkeepers via contactless delivery.

By donating one day's meals for our first responders, you are encouraging police, firefighters, paramedics, and nurses--and you are supporting our local businesses. Your donation works double-time to uphold our community through this uncertain situation.

Ashland Town Council Election

Ashland Town Council election will be held Tuesday, May 19, 2020. All residents of the Town are encouraged to vote by absentee ballot, available here.

Six candidates are campaigning for three Ashland Town Council seats. We asked each candidate a series of questions to learn more about their views on municipal government. See their answers below…



What is your favorite thing about Ashland?
That it truly is the center of a universe of terrific options to suit all people!

What is the most important issue for our municipal government?
To equitably serve all the Town, enhancing our quality of life through excellent services, limited taxation, & remain sustainable. Less general: heal/lift citizens and businesses economic health out of the current Covid challenges.

What is the most valuable tool the Town can use to promote economic development?
Ashland’s unique qualities are cumulatively, our most powerful economic draw and importantly, as we look to invest and invite in the future, we need to carefully guard those qualities.

What is your position on the Town's current business tax rates?
Town rates have been on target; when the virus is gone and we return to the pre-outbreak upward economic trajectory we can explore lowering business taxes in recognition our businesses have stabilized resident taxes for many years.

How can the Town increase civic participation, especially from minority neighborhoods?
Increase frequency and locations of community meetings reaching people at deeper civic engagement levels to listen, respond, and encourage civic participation by way of Town committees to elected office. As Council members: be real.



What is your favorite thing about Ashland? 
The personal experience I receive when shopping at Ashland’s local businesses and visiting our restaurants.

What is the most important issue for our municipal government? 
Meeting the challenge of recovering from the Covid-19 Virus, which includes balancing the town budget, maintaining services, and reopening our local businesses.

What is the most valuable tool the Town can use to promote economic development?   
Continue to encourage pedestrian traffic all year to our commercial districts and through special “Ashland” events.  

What is your position on the Town's current business tax rates? 
This is not the time to raise taxes when our business community has been hit so hard by the current crisis.

How can the Town increase civic participation, especially from minority neighborhoods? 
A significant concept that has been raised is to give our neighborhoods historical designations, which could help preserve and promote the history of these neighborhoods.



What is your favorite thing about Ashland? 
My very favorite part of Ashland is the small town feel.  I did not grow up here, and I am very thankful to be able raise my daughter here.  We are a wonderfully diverse, kind community.  We can walk from our homes to just about anything we may need or want.

What is the most important issue for our municipal government? 
Economic stability, and responsible development, are the most important issues for our municipal government.  Our local government should always have it's constituents best interest at heart.  Our government works for us, no matter what we may face together.

What is the most valuable tool the Town can use to promote economic development?
The Town must Make and Present itself as a Business Friendly town. We need to work hard to ensure that we are prepared for businesses by expanding Broadband access. Improving parking and infrastructure would also benefit.

What is your position on the Town's current business tax rates?
In just comparing our current business tax rate with other localities, we are actually much lower than Henrico, Chesterfield, and Richmond.  I would say we have a fair tax rate in place right now.

How can the Town increase civic participation, especially from minority neighborhoods? 
Engage, engage, engage. Consistent outreach. One way we can increase civic participation is to reach out to our community as often as possible.  Hold community meetings in the neighborhoods.  People want honesty. Honesty is proven.



What is your favorite thing about Ashland?
I love most how Ashland is full of great potential. It's a beautiful small town with the status of the center of culture and economics in Hanover. We as a community have the potential to set political trends and lead local discussions.

What is the most important issue for our municipal government?
Low community involvement in politics (especially by low-income and youths) is the greatest issue. The more we come together the more we can accomplish, outreach is imperative. 

What is the most valuable tool the Town can use to promote economic development
Our greatest tool is economic incentive. We are in a position economically to reduce certain town taxes and regulations. Working with current business owners is key. 

What is your position on the Town's current business tax rates?
I’m in favor of reducing taxes as much as is economically viable for the continued upkeep of the great services the town provides. Some business owners have expressed “taxation without representation” This too must be addressed.

How can the Town increase civic participation, especially from minority neighborhoods?
This is a central part of my platform. While door knocking only certain wealthy members of our community expected me at their door. We must reach out with passion, a task made easier by my age and connection to such groups.



What is your favorite thing about Ashland?
My favorite thing is the spirit of community here. Ashlanders are always game for something unique to bring people together. We’re a magnet for new residents because of our infectious sense of fun, humor, and creativity.

What is the most important issue for our municipal government?
Ensuring revenue to maintain our high level of service to the community. While we’ve saved a robust “rainy day” fund, we must brace and plan for the economic impacts of Covid-19 for years to come.

What is the most valuable tool the Town can use to promote economic development
Communication! It’s making sure that we are aware of the needs of our 600+ businesses, talking with the County regularly, and developing excellent marketing so it’s clear why Ashland is such a great place to do business.

What is your position on the Town's current business tax rates?
We’re in-line with Richmond area meals and lodging taxes, and our BPOL rate is considerably lower for our businesses that fall under that category. And we’re looking for ways to assist all of our businesses during this crisis.

How can the Town increase civic participation, especially from minority neighborhoods?
A big obstacle of participation transcends race and demographics -- it’s having the time and support to serve. We’ve gotten great feedback at our neighborhood community meetings. We need more of those.



*the responses below were shortened to meet character limit.

What is your favorite thing about Ashland?
I adore the the small-town walkability and "feel" of Ashland.  Despite having I-95, Route 1 and the many shopping opportunities that they bring nearby, I can have a peaceful walk at any time of day or night to our restaurants, library and other downtown shops.

What is the most important issue for our municipal government?
I believe neighborhood and commericial revitalization is a critical issue I have repeatedly addressed during the campaign.  Improving the lives of our residents and the profitability of our stores - especially in impoverished areas - is crucial.

What is the most valuable tool the Town can use to promote economic development
There are many valuable tools for promoting economic developement but I think the most underutilized by current town council is its regulatory power. I feel that Town Council needs to use it's legislative power to hone zoning and laws to ensure that Ashland has the "correct" or "smarter" development.

What is your position on the Town's current business tax rates?
Business owners, landlords and residents have often raised concerns about encouraging small businesses in Ashland but the business tax rates have never been mentioned.  I see businesses move within Ashland more than leave.

How can the Town increase civic participation, especially from minority neighborhoods?
I live in a minority neighborhood and as a former professor at an HBCU (NCA&TSU) have done so often.  Our politicians talk about "listening" to underrepresented neighborhoods, but one government meeting scheduled there is not enough.

Ashland Library at a Distance

Our local Ashland Branch of the Pamunkey Regional Library is offering its services virtually and via curbside pick-up throughout the COVID-19 outbreak. Read this week’s guest blog from Ashland Branch Manager Michael Natale below.


While most people expect the library to be quiet, the Ashland branch has always had a steady hum of activity and conversations.  With the closures due to the Coronavirus, the book stacks may have gotten quieter, but the phones at the desk ring steadily.  The building is closed to the public, but the staff here are on-site to answer questions, find books, and help people figure out how to download or stream books, audio books, movies, music and magazines to their phones and tablets.

Online requests for physical books, DVDs and audiobooks have surged over the last few weeks—everyone needs a new story to curl up with.  You can browse through the catalog at home from our webpage ( ), or give us a call to find just the right book or video to brighten your day. You can still signup for a library card from our website or you can call and we’ll be happy to welcome you into the Pamunkey Regional Library family. 

Once a book has been placed on hold and has arrived, we’ll call you to arrange curbside pick-up and you can head home with your new find.  If something is marked as an eBook or a streaming movie, the phone rings at the branch again and we, the staff, take the time to walk the questioner through the digital checkout.

Some of the most enjoyable calls occur when a patron calls asking for a staff pick or a Cheer Pack for themselves or someone else.  To create a Cheer Pack the staff member takes a few author or topic suggestions and then combs the shelves looking for matches.  If the curated collection is for kids, a few coloring and activity pages get tucked between the covers as well.

These are just a few of the ways the Ashland Library are able to help their community right now.  Our Wi-Fi is open to the public, users can submit documents as well as 3D items to print, and we are just a phone call away. 

Do you have a question for us?  Contact the Ashland branch Mon-Fri at 10am-6pm and Saturdays at 10am-2pm by phone at (804) 798-4072 or online at

A list of Pamunkey Regional Library’s digital services against a backdrop of DVDs available to borrow.

A list of Pamunkey Regional Library’s digital services against a backdrop of DVDs available to borrow.

An example Cheer Pack available for all ages, see explanation above.

An example Cheer Pack available for all ages, see explanation above.